Election Eve Anxiety
I am sitting up watching the election results, and I doubt I'll be able to tear myself away until there's either a result or (as I fear) it becomes clear that we'll be subjected to weeks of legal wrangling, recounts, and recriminations. I have had a knot in my stomach since I voted this morning. I really can't imagine what four more years of Bush will do to this country, and it baffles me that half this country still thinks otherwise.
So far all results have gone according to expectations. It is coming down to Ohio and Florida (Pennsylvania does seem to be going to Kerry), and it is still very close in both states. I've heard relatively little about election-day glitches, although Josh Marshall has been reporting a number of irregularities in Ohio, and there seems to be an issue with delays in counting of absentee ballots in Florida.
Of course, my actual vote was a study in marginalization. Kentucky, as expected, was a cakewalk for Bush, and his coat-tails even managed to save the seat of Senator Jim Bunning. I didn't really like the Democratic candidate, Dan Mongiardo, who seemed to be running as a Republican-plus-Healthcare and only started to look like a contender when Bunning made a series of bizarre missteps. Still, this would have been a nice development for Democrats. Finally, Kentucky, like several states had an anti-gay marriage amendment on the ballot and it looks like it will pass overwhelmingly. So Bill goes oh-for-three on the major isses. (And my congressman is a Republican running unupposed). It's not fun feeling so completely out of touch with one's neighbors.