Donut Age: America's Donut Magazine

Acquisitions—February 2007

Still trying to catch up on the inventory additions. February was a very light month: it's shameful that I haven't been able to get this posted before now. At least I've formed some pretty firm opinions on most of this.

  • Juliana Hatfield, "Nirvana" (from Hey Babe, 1992). Free track from Idolator, in a curious post involving "Indie-rock porn spam." As part of the Blake Babies and under her own name, Juliana Hatfield produced some perfect indie rock gems back in the day. This song is one of them.
  • Azzido da Bass (featuring Johnny Blake), "Lonely By Your Side [Radio Cut]." A free iTunes Single of the Week. Inoffensive elctro-pop.
  • Richie Spice, "Brown Skin." A free iTunes Discovery Download. A decent bit of reggae.
  • Okkervil River, "For Real" & "Black" (from Black Sheep Boy , 2005). I'd never heard of this band, but they showed up as a recommendation for me on, and these two tracks were available as free downloads. I like "For Real" quite a bit.
  • Van Morrison, "Caravan [Live]" (from The Last Waltz, 1978). Posted on Idolator as part of news on the release of a dubious "new" Van Morrison compilation. Van is, of course, The Man.
  • Steely Dan, "Don't Take Me Alive" (from The Royal Scam, 1976). Posted on Idolator for no apparent reason. Steely Dan is a band that has been languishing in vinyl purgatory with me for many years. I have, I think, every one of their albums on LP, having gone through a major period of devotion to them in the late 80s. I won't allow myself to re-purchase them on CD or via download, and since none of my friends have undergone a major conversion experience to them lately, I don't have anyone else's CDs to rip.
  • Future Pilot AKA, "Nuclear War [featuring Thurston Moore & Kim Gordon]" & "Eyes of Love [featuring Stuart Murdoch & Sarah Martin]" (from Secrets From the Clockhouse, 2007). These two tracks were posted on Idolator to announce the upcoming release of Secrets From the Clockhouse. Future Pilot AKA is, apparently, former Soup Dragon Sushil K. Dale and whichever of an impressive lineup of indie luminaries he feels like working with. Anyone who can draft both Sonic Youth and Belle and Sebastian onto his team certainly has my respect.
  • "The Spinners, "I'll Always Love You" & "It's a Shame" (from The Best Of The Spinners, 1965). Posted on Idolator in remembrance of Billy Henderson. Classic R&B.
  • Neutral Milk Hotel, "Love You On a Tues. [live]" (from Yo Yo A Go Go, 1996). This track from a 1994 indie festival in Olympia, WA was posted on Idolator. I feel like I should like Neutral Milk Hotel more than I do, so I keep giving them chances, but they never really grab me.
  • The Magnetic Fields, "Smoke & Mirrors [James Noble & Mark Robinson Remix]" (from MRG100 Re-Mix [EP], 1997). An On the Flippity Flop posting at Idolator, this compilation track is a terrific remix of a song from 1995's Get Lost. Faster drum track+additional spacey electronic effects+an overdubbed vocal track=more Magnetic Fields wonderfulness.
  • The Only Ones, "Another Girl, Another Planet," "Lovers Of Today" & "The Beast" (from Why Don't You Kill Yourself?, 1978). Idolator posted these three tracks from the British power-poppers. I think it was "Another Girl, Another Planet" that caught my eye, whether because I dimly remembered hearing it before or just attraction to the title, I'm not sure.
  • Battlestar Galactica, "The Woman King," "A Day In the Life" & "Dirty Hands" (from Battlestar Galactica, Season 3). My Season Pass for BSG continues. This season, which started off like gangbusters suffered from some weak one-off episodes in the middle stretch. "The Woman King" seems especially out of place (according to producer Ron Moore's podcast, they had been working on an ongoing plot element that might have made this episode a more important part of the larger story arc, but then they ditched most of that material and had to tie up the resulting loose ends as best they could). On the other hand, "Dirty Hands" is a pretty solid episode leading into the season finale sequence.
  • Feist, "My Moon, My Man" (from The Reminder, 2007). An Idolator Leak of the Day, this track is from sometime Broken Social Scene-er (Leslie) Feist's latest solo record. I had downloaded a free single ("One Evening" from Let It Die) from iTunes two years ago and kept meaning to follow up on it. I guess this sort of means I have now.
  • The Traveling Wilburys, "End Of the Line" (from Traveling Wilburys Vol. 1, 1988). Idolator posted several Wilburys songs as a Please Release Me feature, but I guess I was only interested in this one (or, more likely, I screwed up downloading the others). I distinctly remember when this song could not be avoided on classic rock radio back in high school. Apparently, all the Wilburys materials is now out of print and tied up in legal disputes.
  • The Mountain Goats, Tallahassee (2002). Following up on December's revelatory discovery of We Shall All Be Healed, I downloaded this album from eMusic. It didn't blow my socks off right away, but as I have warmed up to it, I think I like it almost as much. Best line of the album: "The cellar door is an open throat" ("The House That Dripped Blood"). Close second: "Our love is like the border between Greece and Albania" (International Small Arms Traffic Blues").
  • Creedence Clearwater Revival, Willy and the Poor Boys (1969). I've been staring at this album on eMusic for several months. Having been force-fed classic rock radio throughout my adolescence, I find it hard feel much excitement toward bands like CCR. On the other hand, this album earned a prestigious A+ from Robert Christgau, which still counts for something with me. Having spent some time with the album now, I still can't credit it as much as Christgau, but I can certainly see its strengths. "Fortunate Son" in particular still packs considerable punch as a an indictment of privilege, a message that's as relevant today (if not moreso) as ever.
  • Camper Van Beethoven, Camper Vantiquities (1993). I downloaded this collection of CVB alternates and rarities from eMusic as much to get around my personal rules against re-purchasing my vinyl collection as anything else. With two of their first three albums under this embargo, this was one way of getting some of that early Camper Van Beethoven sound onto my iPod.

Scorecard: 66 tracks (17 free).