The news about American MPs' torture and humiliation of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison has been churning for several days (60 Minutes II, CNN, ABC, New Yorker) and the details get more sickening by the day. Words fail to describe how ashamed and angry I am at what has happened. America may have had darker moments in its history, but none that I know of during my adult lifetime. What has become of us?
Updates (5/4/04):
- Read the full Taguba report at MSNBC.
- Join MoveOn's petition for an independent investigation of the atrocities.
Further Updates (5/6/04):
- AP reports US troops rode an elderly woman like a donkey?! (Via Talking Points Memo)
- The Army has investigated more than 30 cases of prisoner abuse in the past 16 months, including 10 "suspicious deaths" and two criminal homicides.