Donut Age: America's Donut Magazine

Who's safer now?

When Howard Dean dared say that Saddam Hussein's capture hadn't made America any safer (and by the way, compare Dean's official statement in response to the capture with some mainstream reporting of it), everyone jumped on that as a sign that he was weak on terrorism. Well, today's Lexington Herald-Leader had a front page story (strangely buried on their website) that quotes Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt saying essentially the same thing:

We don't think, as some have speculated, that he [Saddam] was the central figure managing the entire anti-coalition operation.

The article also points out that more soldiers (14) were killed in the 14 days after Saddam's arrest than in the two weeks prior (11).

See also articles by Eleanor Clift at MSNBC and Ellen Goodman at the Washington Post for additional perspectives on whether Bush's foreign policy is making America safer.