Donut Age: America's Donut Magazine

Børk, børk, børk

While doing research for a Halloween costume, I stumbled on a remarkable number of web shrines to that obscure, but obviously beloved Muppet character, the Swedish Chef, including The Alt.swedish.chef.bork.bork.bork Archive Site and A very warm welcome from The Swedish Chef! Both sites include versions of The Encheferizer, which translates English into Chef-ese.

Here is the last paragraph, Encheferized:

Vheele-a dueeng reseerch fur a Hellooeee custoome-a, I stoombled oon a remerkeble-a noomber ooff veb shreenes tu thet oobscoore-a, boot oobfeeuoosly belufed Mooppet cherecter, zee Svedeesh Cheff, incloodeeng Zee Elt.svedeesh.cheff.bork.bork.bork Ercheefe-a Seete-a und A fery verm velcume-a frum Zee Svedeesh Cheff! But seetes incloode-a ferseeuns ooff Zee Incheffereezer, vheech trunsletes Ingleesh intu Cheff-ise-a.

Also found during these investigations: Opera Software's release last February of a "Bork" edition of the Opera browser in retaliation for Microsoft's alleged redirecting of Opera users to intentionally distorted pages within Opera for Bork automatically translated MSN pages into Chef-ese, but behaved normally on other sites. Full marks to Opera for a humorous response to yet another attempt by Microsoft to be the bully on the Internet playground.